Wednesday, September 10, 2008

To the Right:

Why is it that I'm a pinko leftie communist faggot for thinking that we should not use up a natural resource and try and find sustainable resource for running our society?

Wouldn't it be better to run a car or a train or a plane on something that will never run out? Sunlight never runs out. You can run a home on sunlight and it doesn't cause any harm to the sun. What about a plant that grows faster than we can cut it down? George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin all were major proponents of Hemp. Heck, they wrote the Declaration of Independence on it. It grows like a weed and is easily replenished. Ford made a car that was made almost entirely out of hemp (except the windshield).

I realize that the idea is to find the terrorists and stop them from killing more people, but this step makes their oil worthless. They can't make any money to buy the weapons they need. If we say to them, "hell oil isn't worth a red cent. I wouldn't touch that stuff even if it was growing in my back yard." Wouldn't that be a kick in the teeth?

Imagine if oil companies worked together with car companies. What if oil companies bought car companies and made cars that didn't need oil? Seems a mighty fine solution to the problem. Oil companies get to keep making money around the world.

I'm not against the industrial revolution, quite the contrary, I say we can evolve beyond it. We can make energy free if it's overly abundant. If energy becomes free, then costs can go down and only labor must be paid for. A man's worth will be his own, and isn't that what we all want? Our pay and what we pay will reflect the dollars earned in a more pure sense. Cut out the middle man. Cut out the unnecessary spending of your hard earned cash on something that does not need to be there.

I'm not a chronic pedestrian because I'm afraid of cars, I just don't want to fund terrorism of any kind.

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