Friday, September 19, 2008

Dear Palin,

I approve of your love and commitment to the Alaskan Secessionist Party and don't see it as anti-American at all. I actually see it as the most American ideal that has been brought up in this campaign. You have every right as a human being to rise up against the government that does not properly represent your ideals.

It is high-time that we ended the imperialist tyranny of the U.S. Government, and re-divided this country into more manageable chunks that can take care of themselves. I'm pro-Cascadia, pro-Southern Secession, pro-Alaskan Secessionist Party, Pro-Californians for Independence, Pro-Hawai'i Nation, Pro-The Second Maine Militia, Pro-Republic of New Hampshire, Pro-Middlebury Institute, Pro-Novacadia Alliance and I'm especially Pro-Puerto Rico Independancia.

And that's just a few of the many groups of people who believe that the U.S. Government does not share their views and wish to exercise their right to leave this Union.

Fight the good fight, Palin! Exercise your right to free speech, life, liberty and pursuit of happiness! And smoke a fat joint while you're at it.

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