Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Nov. 4, 2008

The election is over now and it feels surreal. It all happened so fast, I feel like I missed something. It could be because the first election I was politically aware for was Bush V. Gore, (before that I had a vague notion that Perrot had funny ears) and so “an election” has always been a knock down drag out fight between two men and the Electoral College. Even Kerry wasn’t this quick. But I feel like I turned on the TV and suddenly McCain was conceding.

I kept waiting for stories of voter fraud, and disenfranchisement and instead I saw the Electoral College light up blue. I just don’t know what to make of this. It feels like someone had to be sacrificed for this to happen as it did. I voted for him out of fear over McCain and a former love for him in the primaries in hopes to see those speeches that made me cry return.

Anywho, these next ninety days are crucial. Bush is still in charge, and a lot of shit can happen. Be vigilant. Write congress, write Obama. If the Bush administration does so much as look at the lawn funny, get people on it, or kick him in the face yourself.

The best man won, but we need to remember who put him there and that we need to make sure we all do our end of the bargain. We need to help each other as we’ve helped him. Don’t forget how we all came together to get him into office, now lets get together and make this nation what it was meant to be, ensuring freedom, life and liberty to all of its citizens and preventing injustice abroad.

I had an odd moment with my co-worker this evening when Obama’s victory was announced; we suddenly realized that Old Glory is no longer a symbol of hatred and aggression. She turned to me and said, “I’m American.”

Those eight years are over, and elections will never be the same.

“Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”
-John F. Kennedy

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