Wednesday, October 29, 2008

From A-Rabs to A-Mericans.

I was hesitant to believe the lengths to which our government will go to scare people out of their minds. I thought it ended with randomly strip searching old ladies at the security checkpoints.

Ladies and gentlemen, the true face of Terrorism:

Six year old John William Anderson here, is on the TSA's U.S. terror watch list. This child is the most dangerous thing to happen to this country since Bill Ayers!

The face of terrorism has been getting progressively less and less Arab and more and more white. At least the government can't be accused of racial profiling.

Watch out people, the Terrorists are all around you! Make sure and put your name on the watch list. That way, if you ever do anything wrong, you can help your country by being spirited away in the night by government officials.

Ten Tips to Remember For Nov. 4

I love the ACLU

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Just a little theological musing...

This was taken from Good read.
The Bible is the story of God's love for the world and the people of the world. It tells the history of God's love at work rescuing, renewing, and empowering humankind. It was never intended to be a book about human sexuality. Certainly, you will agree.

In fact, the Bible accepts sexual practices that we condemn and condemns sexual practices that we accept. Lots of them! Here are a few examples.

* DEUTERONOMY 22:13-21
If it is discovered that a bride is not a virgin, the Bible demands that she be executed by stoning immediately.
If a married person has sex with someone else's husband or wife, the Bible commands that both adulterers be stoned to death.
* MARK 10:1-12
Divorce is strictly forbidden in both Testaments, as is remarriage of anyone who has been divorced.
The Bible forbids a married couple from having sexual intercourse during a woman's period. If they disobey, both shall be executed.
* MARK 12:18-27
If a man dies childless, his widow is ordered by biblical law to have intercourse with each of his brothers in turn until she bears her deceased husband a male heir.
* DEUTERONOMY 25:11-12
If a man gets into a fight with another man and his wife seeks to rescue her husband by grabbing the enemy's genitals, her hand shall be cut off and no pity shall be shown her.

I'm certain you don't agree with these teachings from the Bible about sex. And you shouldn't. The list goes on: The Bible says clearly that sex with a prostitute is acceptable for the husband but not for the wife. Polygamy (more than one wife) is acceptable, as is a king's having many concubines. (Solomon, the wisest king of all, had 1,000 concubines.) Slavery and sex with slaves, marriage of girls aged 11-13, and treatment of women as property are all accepted practices in the Scriptures. On the other hand, there are strict prohibitions against interracial marriage, birth control, discussing or even naming a sexual organ, and seeing one's parents nude.

Over the centuries the Holy Spirit has taught us that certain Bible verses should not be understood as God's law for all time periods. Some verses are specific to the culture and time they were written, and are no longer viewed as appropriate, wise, or just.


See more Ron Howard videos at Funny or Die

Veterens Haaeart McCain

These facts have always been interesting to me:

With American soldiers serving multiple tours of duty in Iraq -- and with thousands more scheduled to be shipped to Afghanistan -- the current burden on our military men and women is unprecedented. Meanwhile, the Department of Veterans Affairs is in the midst of a scandal over its systematic blocking of veterans benefits and shocking attempts to cover up PTSD and suicide rates. The result is a serious health crisis among American troops.

Obama has helped pass laws designed to assist homeless veterans and improve care for wounded veterans. He has received an 80 percent approval rating from the Disabled Veterans of America and a B+ rating from Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America.

McCain's record on veterans' issues is abysmal. He was given a D rating from the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, and the Disabled American Veterans reports that he has voted for legislation benefiting veterans only 20 percent of the time. McCain voted against health care funding for veterans in 2003, '04, '05, '06 and '07. And unlike Obama, McCain refused to support the Webb GI Bill, which was critical to ensuring that soldiers who enlisted with the hope of eventually going to college would be able to do so.

This was very odd. So I typed in McCain and Veterans in YouTube to see all the happy veterans telling me they would feel safe in a McCain presidency. I mean, the guys platform is "I am a former POW."

Yeeeeeah. Um... Not so much.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Now turn the knife counter-clockwise.

21,500 voters may have problems voting in Michigan on election day...

I hope no one reading this is one of them.

I feel really bad for any first time voters out there who decided to finally have their voice heard, only to have someone at a school gym or local church tell them that they can't vote because their information was invalid.

Rich people will always vote, and poor people will always feel like it doesn't matter. The voter apathy game is what it's all about. Poor people vote Republican in hopes of keeping their money, not realizing that the rich people have no intentions of giving them raises. They want to keep their money too. A progressive system of taxation gives more money to the workers and the consumers which they happily spend into the market because they have so much. This allows the money to trickle up to the rich. It's not magic, it's common sense. Taxing the poor more than the rich only makes the poor poorer and the rich richer.

There's a hell of a lot more poor people in this country than rich. And if they all vote for the change THEY need, then this country stands a chance of being something truly amazing.

This election has put quite a few interesting things in perspective for me. It keeps making me think about how 2000 was an election about issues. About Abortion, Guns, Taxes, Healthcare, Social Security. All valid but none life threatening. All choice. But who were the candidates? Gore and apparently Spider-Man's most underrated nemesis: Demogoblin.

This time it's beyond just a simple personal preference. Supply Side/Voo Doo/Reagenomics has sent this country down the toilet by gutting its infrastructure and sending it overseas, then ripping out the life blood from the stock market. How does a president go eight years without generating one new job?

This time people can't afford not to vote.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

On Maverickness...

This article is so funny, you wish it were fake.

I'd like for this family to go on national television and ask for John McCain to apologize for defamation of character.

Friday, October 3, 2008

When Life Hands You Lemons...

...The Republicans will proceed to disenfranchise you.

So remember how in Florida the Republicans blocked "felons" from voting in the 2000 election?

Well it looks like they're out to block victims of foreclosure from voting in Michigan and Ohio.

I understand the idea they're putting forth, but this minority of America deserves to cast their ballot. Their voice should be heard over anybodies. Plus, well there's no guarantee that they don't have a home.

You can’t challenge people without a factual basis for doing so,” said J. Gerald Hebert, a former voting rights litigator for the U.S. Justice Department who now runs the Campaign Legal Center, a Washington D.C.-based public-interest law firm. “I don’t think a foreclosure notice is sufficient basis for a challenge, because people often remain in their homes after foreclosure begins and sometimes are able to negotiate and refinance.

Another interesting fact is that McCain's Michigan headquarters was located in a law firm specializing in these very foreclosures. Seems "marginalizingly" shady to me.

So I don't know what ye Michiganders can do to prevent this, but something has to be done to make sure these people vote!
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