Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Looking for opinions...

Now that you have seen them, which ones shocked you most and why? Which ones made you laugh? Which ones "worked"?
Saturday, December 6, 2008
On Domestic Partnerships....
As some of you may know, me and my fiancée are filing for a Domestic Partnership. Since California has decided that same sex couples are not aloud to marry and we don't condone that definition, we decided to get a Civil Union. Well, after several e-mails back and forth with the County Clerk:
Me: November 23, 2008
County Clerk: November 24, 2008
Me: November 24, 2008
County Clerk's office: November 24, 2008
County Clerk: November 25, 2008
We seem to be at a speed bump. I can only assume it is because I kept saying "civil union" and not "domestic partnership" because it seems like it would have been the County Clerk's duty to inform us of San Francisco Administrative Code CHAPTER 62 SEC. 62.1 on DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIPS
If they make an expressed point to state "same-sex couples" seems that opposite sex couples are entitled to them as well.If this is the case, we're doing all the research we can to see exactly what we are entitled to as domestic partners.
Interestingly enough, our partnership would be recognized by Oakland, Berkley, Ann Arbor all of Oregon, Washington and Washington D.C.
I really don't think they even read these e-mails.
Me: November 23, 2008
Me and my fiancée were looking at the San Francisco website and
found no place to apply for an opposite sex civil union.
We were hoping to find the forms or the process we need to go through.
I realize this may not be the right department to go to, but if you could
pass it along to the right one we would be most appreciative.
County Clerk: November 24, 2008
In California, we do not have civil unions.
For opposite sex couples, we have marriage. If you would like to get
married, please make your marriage license appointment and civil ceremony
appointment through our online reservation systems.
You may also call 311 for additional assistance. From San Francisco, dial
311 (Voice/TTY) toll free. From outside San Francisco, dial (415) 701-2311
(Voice/TTY). TTY direct (415) 701-2323. Or you may visit their website at
PLEASE NOTE: County Clerk Fee Increases Effective August 15, 2008
Me: November 24, 2008
You don't have an alternative for those looking to register their coupling with the state without having a theology imposed upon them?
Marriage implies a religion and we feel that the state has no right to establish any religion. There's no way to have a secular union in the state of California?
Dylan Cassard
County Clerk's office: November 24, 2008
Due the unusually high volume of messages to the County Clerk email box, we
cannot respond to your inquiry at this time. Answers to the majority of
inquiries can be found on the City's main webpage at www.sfgov.org.
Visit the County Clerk homepage at www.sfgov.org/countyclerk for questions
regarding marriage license requirements, marriage ceremonies, fictitious
business name statements, notary oaths, authentication of notary
signatures, professional registrations, and all other non-judicial legal
Visit sfgov.org/courts for answers to questions regarding divorce, traffic
citations, case files, docket numbers, and jury duty.
Visit sfgov.org/dph for answers to questions regarding birth and death
Visit sfgov.org/assessor for answers to questions regarding property
records and certified copies of public marriage certificates.
Visit sfgov.org/treasurer for answers to questions regarding business tax
County Clerk: November 25, 2008
Three things must happen for you to be legally married in California.
1. Unmarried male and unmarried female must purchase a California
marriage license,
2. A ceremony (religious or civil) must take place in California within
90 days of purchasing the marriage license, and
3. The ceremony must be performed by authorized person.
A civil ceremony implies no religion. In California, we have marriage, not
civil unions.
You may also call 311 for additional assistance. From San Francisco, dial
311 (Voice/TTY) toll free. From outside San Francisco, dial (415) 701-2311
(Voice/TTY). TTY direct (415) 701-2323. Or you may visit their website at
PLEASE NOTE: County Clerk Fee Increases Effective August 15, 2008
We seem to be at a speed bump. I can only assume it is because I kept saying "civil union" and not "domestic partnership" because it seems like it would have been the County Clerk's duty to inform us of San Francisco Administrative Code CHAPTER 62 SEC. 62.1 on DOMESTIC PARTNERSHIPS
The purpose of this ordinance is to create a way to recognize intimate committed relationships, including those of same-sex couples who otherwise may be denied the right to marry under California law, and to afford to domestic partners, to the fullest extent legally possible, the same rights, benefits, responsibilities, obligations, and duties as spouses. All costs of registration must be covered by fees to be established by ordinance.
If they make an expressed point to state "same-sex couples" seems that opposite sex couples are entitled to them as well.If this is the case, we're doing all the research we can to see exactly what we are entitled to as domestic partners.
Interestingly enough, our partnership would be recognized by Oakland, Berkley, Ann Arbor all of Oregon, Washington and Washington D.C.
County Clerk: December 8, 2008
California Domestic Partnership Program is administered by the Secretary of
State and not our office. Your email did not provide enough details to
determine your eligibility for SRDP.
If you are an opposite sex couple and you are applying for a marriage
license and have a ceremony performed, you will be legally married.
San Francisco Domestic Partnership Registration is available to any couple
regardless of gender or age. This is a local program and may or may not be
recognized by the State or any other jurisdiction.
I really don't think they even read these e-mails.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Opposite Sex Civil Unions
Proposition 8 has passed in California, taking away the rights for same sex couples to marry. I cannot believe this has happened. It boggles my mind that something so utterly unconstitutional has been allowed on a ballot. And what reasons do they have for not letting gay couples marry?
Big shock, I learned that in school before they had the right to marry.
I guess you’re going to ban single mothers and fathers. Hold a lottery and require them all to get married to random strangers?
Heterosexual marriage is fine to teach children when their babies. We’ll teach that to them till the cows come home.
Also, please keep in mind, “homosexuality” is NOT about sex, it’s about love.
Gender is NOT essential to the family. It’s sexist to believe that a woman cannot do a man’s job and vise versa. You are entitled to that opinion, but you don’t get to make laws that take away someone’s rights. And you will allow Joan to get married, but no other same sex couple? Why just your lesbian neighbor? What makes her so special? I have to meet this woman.
So… by this logic, we need to ban black people from marrying black people and white people from marrying white people.
And where is this evidence? Where is this research that shows the damage done to children raised by same sex couples? Is it all the hatred and harassment the child suffers in school because all the other children make fun of them?
I have plenty of friends that have two gay pets, and even one of the Pandas at the Thai zoo is gay. It occurs “in nature” too.
Another major issue seems to be that homosexuality will be taught in “in every class.” I don’t think there will be many repercussions in the classroom setting except for word problems looking like this:
All of these things are based on the “horrible atrocities” that happened to Massachusetts after gay marriage was legalized. And apparently, lightning came down from the sky and burned away the entire population as well:
I’ve been wracking my brain over this whole situation for a while, and I have a solution.
Once again, the Nation has got the cart before the horse.
What is the purpose of Government? To preserve the social contract.
There are things that every citizen cannot do on a constant basis along with their lives, so they make someone else responsible for it. Nice and simple. I can't balance the budget on Saturday when there's laundry to be done. I'll leave that to a group of people making a lot more money to decide that for me.
Now lets stop for a moment and think about the first amendment:
See that bit right there in bold? THE FOUNDING FATHERS did not give the government authority over our religion. They wanted Catholics, Protestants, Quakers, Jews, Agnostics and Atheists to worship in peace and buy and exchange each others' goods freely. They looked to the Netherlands and saw the wealth and equality that all people had there and chose that life for their people. Nothing in Prop 8s arguments give any factual information to support the hazards of gay people being aloud to marry. By amending the constitution of California in this way, the have in effect established religion.
But I can make everyone happy. The government should no longer recognize marriage, period. If people get married, it’s between them and their beliefs, not the state. I propose that from now on, on the books in the halls of government all marriages are civil unions. Marriage is a sacred act separate from government. Much like lunchtime. And if you want to get the government involved, don't make a law respecting an establishment of religion. Just be civil and have a union.
Me and my fiancée Nicole are getting married in October of 2010, but when we get our "marriage license" we will be applying for a civil union. Asking that our government not interfere with our religion, and our religion not to interfere with our government.
I know that this was a Christian country founded by Pilgrims and... wait... That's not entirely true... I suppose it was settled by treasure and glory seekers acting on behalf of Elizabeth I. But our great Founding Fathers Jefferson and Franklin were Deists. They set down the framework for this country through enlightenment and reason. Not through dogma, bigotry and hatred.
Does America really want to take away this girl’s freedom? She has every right to marry a princess if she wants to!
“Our children will learn that being gay is okay IN SCHOOL!”
Big shock, I learned that in school before they had the right to marry.
“Every child is entitled to a father and a mother.”
I guess you’re going to ban single mothers and fathers. Hold a lottery and require them all to get married to random strangers?
“It’s not right to teach someone so young about homosexuality. Wait until after sex ed.”
Heterosexual marriage is fine to teach children when their babies. We’ll teach that to them till the cows come home.
Also, please keep in mind, “homosexuality” is NOT about sex, it’s about love.
Gender is NOT essential to the family. It’s sexist to believe that a woman cannot do a man’s job and vise versa. You are entitled to that opinion, but you don’t get to make laws that take away someone’s rights. And you will allow Joan to get married, but no other same sex couple? Why just your lesbian neighbor? What makes her so special? I have to meet this woman.
So… by this logic, we need to ban black people from marrying black people and white people from marrying white people.
And where is this evidence? Where is this research that shows the damage done to children raised by same sex couples? Is it all the hatred and harassment the child suffers in school because all the other children make fun of them?
I have plenty of friends that have two gay pets, and even one of the Pandas at the Thai zoo is gay. It occurs “in nature” too.
Another major issue seems to be that homosexuality will be taught in “in every class.” I don’t think there will be many repercussions in the classroom setting except for word problems looking like this:
“John is going to meet Peter for their date at 6:30. It takes John twelve minutes to get ready and six minutes to get to Peter’s house, how early will he be?”
All of these things are based on the “horrible atrocities” that happened to Massachusetts after gay marriage was legalized. And apparently, lightning came down from the sky and burned away the entire population as well:
I’ve been wracking my brain over this whole situation for a while, and I have a solution.
Once again, the Nation has got the cart before the horse.
What is the purpose of Government? To preserve the social contract.
People give up some rights to a government and other authority in order to receive or jointly preserve social order.
There are things that every citizen cannot do on a constant basis along with their lives, so they make someone else responsible for it. Nice and simple. I can't balance the budget on Saturday when there's laundry to be done. I'll leave that to a group of people making a lot more money to decide that for me.
Now lets stop for a moment and think about the first amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
See that bit right there in bold? THE FOUNDING FATHERS did not give the government authority over our religion. They wanted Catholics, Protestants, Quakers, Jews, Agnostics and Atheists to worship in peace and buy and exchange each others' goods freely. They looked to the Netherlands and saw the wealth and equality that all people had there and chose that life for their people. Nothing in Prop 8s arguments give any factual information to support the hazards of gay people being aloud to marry. By amending the constitution of California in this way, the have in effect established religion.
But I can make everyone happy. The government should no longer recognize marriage, period. If people get married, it’s between them and their beliefs, not the state. I propose that from now on, on the books in the halls of government all marriages are civil unions. Marriage is a sacred act separate from government. Much like lunchtime. And if you want to get the government involved, don't make a law respecting an establishment of religion. Just be civil and have a union.
Me and my fiancée Nicole are getting married in October of 2010, but when we get our "marriage license" we will be applying for a civil union. Asking that our government not interfere with our religion, and our religion not to interfere with our government.
I know that this was a Christian country founded by Pilgrims and... wait... That's not entirely true... I suppose it was settled by treasure and glory seekers acting on behalf of Elizabeth I. But our great Founding Fathers Jefferson and Franklin were Deists. They set down the framework for this country through enlightenment and reason. Not through dogma, bigotry and hatred.
Does America really want to take away this girl’s freedom? She has every right to marry a princess if she wants to!
Nov. 4, 2008
The election is over now and it feels surreal. It all happened so fast, I feel like I missed something. It could be because the first election I was politically aware for was Bush V. Gore, (before that I had a vague notion that Perrot had funny ears) and so “an election” has always been a knock down drag out fight between two men and the Electoral College. Even Kerry wasn’t this quick. But I feel like I turned on the TV and suddenly McCain was conceding.
I kept waiting for stories of voter fraud, and disenfranchisement and instead I saw the Electoral College light up blue. I just don’t know what to make of this. It feels like someone had to be sacrificed for this to happen as it did. I voted for him out of fear over McCain and a former love for him in the primaries in hopes to see those speeches that made me cry return.
Anywho, these next ninety days are crucial. Bush is still in charge, and a lot of shit can happen. Be vigilant. Write congress, write Obama. If the Bush administration does so much as look at the lawn funny, get people on it, or kick him in the face yourself.
The best man won, but we need to remember who put him there and that we need to make sure we all do our end of the bargain. We need to help each other as we’ve helped him. Don’t forget how we all came together to get him into office, now lets get together and make this nation what it was meant to be, ensuring freedom, life and liberty to all of its citizens and preventing injustice abroad.
I had an odd moment with my co-worker this evening when Obama’s victory was announced; we suddenly realized that Old Glory is no longer a symbol of hatred and aggression. She turned to me and said, “I’m American.”
Those eight years are over, and elections will never be the same.
“Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”
-John F. Kennedy
I kept waiting for stories of voter fraud, and disenfranchisement and instead I saw the Electoral College light up blue. I just don’t know what to make of this. It feels like someone had to be sacrificed for this to happen as it did. I voted for him out of fear over McCain and a former love for him in the primaries in hopes to see those speeches that made me cry return.
Anywho, these next ninety days are crucial. Bush is still in charge, and a lot of shit can happen. Be vigilant. Write congress, write Obama. If the Bush administration does so much as look at the lawn funny, get people on it, or kick him in the face yourself.
The best man won, but we need to remember who put him there and that we need to make sure we all do our end of the bargain. We need to help each other as we’ve helped him. Don’t forget how we all came together to get him into office, now lets get together and make this nation what it was meant to be, ensuring freedom, life and liberty to all of its citizens and preventing injustice abroad.
I had an odd moment with my co-worker this evening when Obama’s victory was announced; we suddenly realized that Old Glory is no longer a symbol of hatred and aggression. She turned to me and said, “I’m American.”
Those eight years are over, and elections will never be the same.
“Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”
-John F. Kennedy
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
From A-Rabs to A-Mericans.
I was hesitant to believe the lengths to which our government will go to scare people out of their minds. I thought it ended with randomly strip searching old ladies at the security checkpoints.
Ladies and gentlemen, the true face of Terrorism:

Six year old John William Anderson here, is on the TSA's U.S. terror watch list. This child is the most dangerous thing to happen to this country since Bill Ayers!
The face of terrorism has been getting progressively less and less Arab and more and more white. At least the government can't be accused of racial profiling.
Watch out people, the Terrorists are all around you! Make sure and put your name on the watch list. That way, if you ever do anything wrong, you can help your country by being spirited away in the night by government officials.
Ladies and gentlemen, the true face of Terrorism:

Six year old John William Anderson here, is on the TSA's U.S. terror watch list. This child is the most dangerous thing to happen to this country since Bill Ayers!
The face of terrorism has been getting progressively less and less Arab and more and more white. At least the government can't be accused of racial profiling.
Watch out people, the Terrorists are all around you! Make sure and put your name on the watch list. That way, if you ever do anything wrong, you can help your country by being spirited away in the night by government officials.
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